Excavating General Contractor
The price is $125 per hour per operator and $75 per laborer.
The price per day varies from $200 to $500, and per week from $800 to $2.000.
The price varies from $14 to $25 per square foot, plus the site preparation from $6 to $12 per square foot.
The price is $20 per square foot, plus the site preparation from $4 to $8 per square foot.
The price varies according to time and material needs.
The price varies according to time and material needs.
The price varies according to time and material needs.
The price varies from $3 to $6 per square foot.
Time + Material
The price varies from $15 to $25 per square foot. Utilities include the property's water, sewer, and storm connections (no side sewer license).
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